Westways Visual Communications are proud to work with some local national and international clubs, charities, NGO's and not for profits. Westways over the year have provided financial, in kind, personal time and consulting services to these organisations and look forward to being of service in to the future.
Ascot Eagles Junior Cricket Club
As a family owned and operated business the directors have been heavily involved with the Ascot Eagles Junior Cricket Club for well over 11 years (2021). Managing Director Neil Cranny was made a Life Member is 2019 having spent 10 Years on the committee six of those as President.
Westways have provided in kind sponsorship with redeveloping and maintaining the club web site, taking team photos, suppling banners as well as designing new player and supporters apparel. Westways have also passed on trade pricing for printing and other related services.

Belmont Small Business Awards.
Westways have been a sponsor of the Belmont Small Business Awards for over 22 years. Westways have provided graphic design services of the awards overall branding, including brochures, posters, online advertising and entry forms.

Tabitha Foundation
Tabitha foundation is a NGO charity working with the people of Cambodia. Directors Neil & Rachel & their children have travelled to Cambodia many times now to work on Tabitha’s house building program. They fund their own expenses and do substantial fundraising to donate to Tabitha.

Westways Director Neil Cranny on the steps with fellow team member Con Spagnolo of an almost completed house

Build team with some of the villager and children.

The Tabitha tin houses in the background is huge step up from the palm hut the villages lived in.

Westways Director Neil Cranny on the steps with fellow team member Con Spagnolo of an almost completed house